What if your Instagram account was attracting new clients, customers and students into your business every. single. day?

without you having to spend 3 hours “engaging” every day

without you hiring a social media manager

without being an Instagram model or photographer

…AND without having to learn ridiculous dances to be seen

Seriously - what would that mean for your online business?

Would you be enrolling more students (passively!) into your online course?

Would you be selling more products?

Would you be booking more 1:1 client sessions?

Maybe you've thought to yourself,

“The algorithm hates me”

“I must be shadowbanned!”

“Why is my mom the only person engaging with my posts?!”

Believe it or not, the algorithm is actually here to benefit YOU (whether you ever decide to pay a dime for ads or not)

you just need to understand HOW it works!

Hi, I’m Stephanie.

For the past 2 years, I have grown multiple businesses where 90% of my organic leads (*meaning no ads*) comes directly from my Instagram account.

In a few months time, I grew my account by over 7,500 new followers (all of which are my ideal customer, btw)

I’m not a model or photographer.

I don’t have a social media strategist.

I don’t plan out my content weeks ahead of time.

I don’t spend more than 20 mins a day deciding what to post.


I understand exactly who my audience is, and which types of content they want more of...

I know which types of content perform best and are most likely to go viral.

I understand how to convert viewers into followers, and then followers into paying customers. 💸

Basically, I study the Instagram algorithm like it’s my job (it kind of is🤣)...

So that YOU don’t have to.

I've turned this strategy into an easily duplicatable, step-by-step guide called...


What is Grow Your Instagram all about?


Grow Your Instagram is a step-by-step guide to gaining loyal followers, increasing engagement, standing out from the crowd, and monetizing your business, all using Instagram.


Who is it for?


Anyone who wants to grow their Instagram and make money online!!


How long is it?


The 5 module course, with over 2 hours of video is completely self-paced, meaning, you can complete the modules on your own timeline! You can enroll and binge everything today, or you can go through it at a more manageable pace. Whatever feels best to you and your schedule.